English translation for "study plot"
- 标准地
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | This paper also studies cultivation and improvement about highway express freight transportation and draws some correlative useful methods at last n this study plots developing prosperity about highway express freight transportation 论文还就公路快速货运市场的培育与完善作了初步研究,给出了一些相应的途径和方法。 | | 2. | Taking the mountains area of north guangdong shaoguan city as the study plots , taking remote sensing and ( gis ) technology as the foundation , a regional sustainable land use evaluation index system is established and a sustainable land use quantitative evaluation model are make 摘要选择韶关市作为研究区域,利用遥感和gis技术,构建了一套适合研究区域的土地可持续利用评价指标体系,并提出了一个土地可持续利用定量评价模型。 | | 3. | In this paper , on the basic theories foundation study of summary people of the past , aiming directly at whether the shelter forest can deposit the sand and how powerful it can . we select the oasis in ulan buh desert as the study plot , and study the function of the shelter forest reduce the " sand " and " dust " . we draw the following conclusion . first , in the fixed and semifixed sand lands , which grow the natural sand - binding plants , the coverage of plant in the fixed and semifixed sand land is 26 . 4 % and 10 . 3 % , respectively , the amount of sand drift decrease 93 . 38 % and 81 . 91 % comparing with the migratory sand land which have no plant coverage in the same wind speed and the range of 0 - 40cm above the ground 本文以前人的研究为基础针对“防护林体系是否有降解作用,有多大的降解作用”这一问题以乌兰布和沙漠边缘的防护林体系为研究对象,研究了防护林体系对“沙” 、 “尘”的降解作用,得出以下结论: ( 1 )在距离地表0 - 40cm范围内,同一风速下生长有天然固沙植物,植被盖度分别为26 . 4 、 10 . 3的固定、半固定沙地上,地表起沙量分别比无植被生长的流动沙地降低了93 . 38 、 81 . 91 。 |
- Similar Words:
- "study phase" English translation, "study plan" English translation, "study plan and study plan summary" English translation, "study plan in uk" English translation, "study pleasure" English translation, "study population" English translation, "study pot" English translation, "study print" English translation, "study program" English translation, "study progress on aquatic biology" English translation